Wellness Cottage

Using Essential Oils For Our Emotions

June 19, 2017
Most of you know a bit about aromatherapy and essential oils.  But a bit is just enough to create more questions.  You know you can use aromatherapy in a massage session, you can fill the air with the scent and use them in the massage oil.

But did you know that aromatherapy can be used to assist with our mental health?

The following article from AromaWeb.com outlines ways in which essential oils can assist in our mental well being.

Although aromatherapy should not be considered a miracle cure for serious emotional issues, the use of essential oils may assist, sometimes greatly, with particular emotional issues and emotional states. Additionally, the proper use of essential oils may enhance your emotional outlook and provide support and help balance your emotions during the day. The use of essential oils for emotional well-being is what is often first thought of when someone thinks of the term "aromatherapy."

Essential oils are comprised of naturally occurring chemicals that work in synergy with one another. Because essential oils evaporate quickly (known as being "volatile"), their molecules are easily inhaled. Without providing an intimidating lesson in olfaction (the science of the sense of smell), the inhalation of these naturally occurring synergistic chemicals provide triggers to our brain. These triggers effect our emotions. Inhalation of these wondrous molecules also provides physical benefit which may also work together to aid in our emotional state.

Orange Oil is a good example. The smell of orange helps provide emotional balance and bring on a positive outlook. Sweet orange oil is a wonderful oil to use alone or in a blend for those winter blues that often occur in the colder, grayer times of the year. The aroma of sweet orange oil also blends nicely with many oils and has the added advantage of being one of the more inexpensive essential oils. It is also generally regarded to be one of the safer essential oils to use.

Aromatherapy for Emotional Well-BeingBorrowed from Essential Oils for Emotional Well-Being page located within AromaWeb's Essential Oil Profiles area, below is a list of emotional states and the oils that are commonly known to be of help. When using any oil, it's important to follow all safety guidelines and safety issues that pertain to the particular oil.

Not all essential oils provide the same level of benefit for all persons. Past memories associated with particular aromas can have a positive or negative effect. Rose Essential Oil, for instance, is known for aiding during times of grief. Your past experiences with the aroma of Rose Oil, however, may impact its effectiveness for use during times of grief. If you had a loving grandmother who often smelled of rose, for instance, your reaction when smelling rose may differ than if you had an abusive grandmother who typically smelled of rose. If your rose-smelling grandma died, your reaction to the aroma of rose will be impacted by your past associations with the aroma. Do not force yourself to use an oil that elicits negative feelings or that you don't like the aroma of, even if it is one that is listed below.

It is important, therefore, that you treat any list of essential oils used for emotional well-being as a starting point. Within the confines of safety, experiment and utilize those oils that bring about the purpose that you seek.


The Implications of Bodywork

September 1, 2010
The Implications of Bodywork
Human Touch Has Powerful Results
Cathy Ulrich
Whether in giving or receiving, touch is as essential to human survival as is food. Infants deprived of touch, even when they are getting adequate nutrition, will fail to thrive. Elders isolated by loss of partners and friends become depressed not only because of the absence of social interaction, but also because of the simple loss of physical contact.

We calm our pets by stroking them, we greet each other with ...

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Stop Judging Yourself

August 20, 2010
Stop Judging Your Beautiful Self
Massage Fits You (yes, YOU!)
Rebecca Jones
Sol Benson loathed her body. It went beyond mere embarrassment at how "fat" she was. Deeper still was the conviction that her body was unworthy of love, underserving of nurturing.

And it was that alienation from her own body that for years kept Benson, a professional dancer who has waged a lifelong battle with anorexia, from getting massage. "I stayed away because getting a massage was being good to myself," sai...

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What To Expect

August 20, 2010

Where Will My Massage or Bodywork Session Take Place?
Your massage or bodywork session will take place in a warm, comfortable, quiet room. Soft music may be played to help you relax. You will lie on a table especially designed for your comfort.

Must I Be Completely Undressed?
Most massage and bodywork techniques are traditionally performed with the client unclothed; however, it is entirely up to you what you want to wear. You should undress to your level of comfort. You will be properly draped...

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Benefits of Massage

August 20, 2010

The following is compliments of Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals.

The Benefits Of Massage
What exactly are the benefits of receiving massage or bodywork treatments? Useful for all of the conditions listed below and more, massage can:

  • Alleviate low-back pain and improve range of motion.
  • Assist with shorter, easier labor for expectant mothers and shorten maternity hospital stays.
  • Ease medication dependence.
  • Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow—the body’s natural d...

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Types of Massage and Bodywork

August 20, 2010

When most people think of massage, they think of Swedish or deep tissue.  They receive massage either for relaxation or for painful muscles.  What they don't know is that there are many forms of massage and bodywork.  The following is a list of a few methods or modalities of bodywork:

Swedish.  Used primarly for relaxation, this type of massage increases circulation, decreases blood pressure, promotes dextoxification of the body's lymph system, can relieve painful conditions such as fibromyalg...

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